So many delightful things have happened lately. I am almost too giddy for words! I suppose I should start at the beginning.
Jaen and I have recovered from our recent travesties. My scars on my limbs are the only thing that remains from my time in captivity and if Jaen can still swing his hammer he assures me he is good. He is made of such tough stock. So I thank whoever was watching over both of us.
Recently, a very precious book of mine was stolen from my temporary hovel in Booty Bay. To say the least I was a bit distraught and decided right then and there that I should go home. That woman, who looks so much like me, has to be my Mother. How will she know where to find me if I don't go home? I was hoping the book would be enough but without it, home is still the only answer.
I should have confided more in Jaen. My wish to protect him from everything is only putting hardship on our marriage. A mistake I will rectify over the course of however long it takes.
At the time the dangers did not register to me. Something was driving me to go -home-. My home. In Eversong. So I packed my things and left. It had fallen into despair, our little cottage, without it's inhabitants to keep it company. Most of the kitchen and front entry way were shattered like the house simply would not go on living without us. Jaen tells me it was my doing. I supposedly rigged up some silly security tricks onto the house. I clearly would of made them a bit safer then -that-.
I still don't know why he was acting the way he was. He wouldn't even sit down and eat. Maybe he is sick? I should talk to the delightful nurses he has left me with. While the medicine they gave me has finally let me sleep my first wink of sleep in a week it seems. They have poked and prodded me, under Jaen's watchful eyes, and recommended I remain in Dalaran until I am full rested and back to my old self. I do not expect Jaen can stay with me so I assured him I would write every day while I was here. It is not like I can train or play with daggers while I carry the little one.
Jaen says too much travel is bad for the baby. Oh the most delightful news! I am pregnant it seems. Jaen took the news rather well I think. Did he think there would be no consequences of our newlywed actions. I simply thought my extra cravings for sweets was from being without in captivity for so long. The nurses have deigned the baby perfectly healthy for a tiny fetus, my constant electrocutions did not harm it.
So, here I am in Dalaran with brown hair no less. Jaen suggested I should try to stay incognito since apparently I'm a wanted criminal or some such non-sense. I do hope Cadros and the Doctor do not mind having tea with me here. I can't wait to share the good news with them! I am going to be a mother!
The world is full of surprises lately! How wonderful!