Saturday, June 11, 2011

Waxens Journal

 (A few nights ago)

Sometimes in life there are moments that you want to capture forever.  I wanted to capture last night.  Every possible moment I want imprinted on my brain.

Calthos is a very giving man.  He is so kind and gentle with me.  And yet he still treats me like an equal.  After one of my more creative ways of welcoming him home, we made love and it was magnificent.  He is a very giving lover and I never feel embarrassed by my body,scars and chub,  when we are next to each other naked.

As my heart still pounded like the drum solo at a Tauren Cheiftains Concert,  he pulled out a ring.  Well it was....enormous.  I have never seen something like it before.  The center stone which is a flawless...rock I will call it.  But the most amazing part were that surrounding the heart were little purple stones.  he told me they were soul stones.  And that I carried a part of his soul.  You could of knocked me over I was so stunned.  To give something, to -trust- something so precious as part of his soul to me just moved me beyond words.  He said he wanted to spend the rest of my life with me.  I am still unclear if it was a wedding proposal but it does not matter either way.  I am not one for ceremony and I don't need to show my dedication to him by announcing it to a bunch of overdressed onlookers, as well-wishing as they may be.

((Current Day))

I can appreciate a man who is dedicated to his work.  But two days and I haven't seen him?  Did he scare himself by giving me the ring?  Yes he did send notes saying he would be delayed but.  Well I went to go see him finally at that wretched sanctum of his.  How those other warlocks glared at me!  As if i was trespassing!  But i saw him there and of course I just blurted out his name without thinking.  He dropped what he was working on and I felt terrible.  Most of all I knew better then to sneak up on him like that.  magic weavers of any kind need concentration, no matter the task.

He admitted though finally he does this with all his relationships.  Becomes "married" to his work so to speak.  I suppose I was envious because I sold my tailor shop to come work for the Vanguard and dedicate myself to some task.  But no.  Here I sit a lowly house-wife.  Well...trophy wife I would say...yes that suites me better.  But I am a battle-mage!  Yes occasionally the band of a few of us get together to train but nothing beat the thrill of pure battle!  The rush of all that power exploding from my mere fingertips.  It rather erotic if you ask me.  So help me if Calthos doesn't come home at a normal hour tonight I may make him explode.  And not in the good sense.