Friday, July 15, 2011

Ellys Journal

Some of the looks I got today at the meeting bothered me.    Well not bothered me per say but made me think.  Is it wrong to celebrate your love?  Why do I surround myself with crazy, emotionally challenged Elves....and undead....and I think Tauren. Seriously, they all work so hard to defend our way of life and they hate life!  What the fuck!?  Maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit but sadly not by much.

Between the Firelands and the war and blah blah blah can't there just be a small ray of hope.  A smile from someone for a change.  I know I joke around more then I should but fuck no one else does.  Their snide comments, sighs and rolling of eyes only make them look stuck up.  I wont let myself become a jaded old warrior that only looks forward to the next time he gets to go kill something.  Please.  There is more to life then swords and death and war.  If most of them weren't so hell bent on getting something hacked off or..hacking something else off they might smile a little more.  I'll be damned if I can't talk about my honeymoon to someone I care about.

Now having said all -that- I am looking forward to the time in the swamp lands.  I'm going to surprise alot of people and maybe get some respect.  Like I give a damn...I may have changed alot over the course of a few months but the knowledge of my time as a hunter are still there.   Not to mention I'm a damned Engineer.  I can run across water!  Savage Environment?  Who are they kidding.  It's OK.  Keep underestimating me.  Illy knows who I really am.  I think Taleal may have an inkling as well.  She was the most wonderful bridesmaid.  I should get to know her more.

Oh what a whirlwind.  The wedding was too perfect for words.  Small and incident free.  I must remind myself to give Mel proper credit the next time I see him.  It was so nice that him and Illy were there.   I will never forget that night.  My wedding night.  Best night of my life.  I am so glad we waited.   It just felt better knowing we waited.  I am not really sure why that is so important to me. 

I love him so much and even better he knows and always shows me he feels the same way.  The things he does, sometimes I don't even think he realizes how they effect me.  We were spending a cozy night in Everlook, I was porking out on Kimchi of course.  He nudged me and pointed down to the dredges of his bowl.  It was a potato that looked like a crude heart.  He grinned up at me that gorgeous crooked smile and I fell in love with him all over again.  Damn I'm a fucking sap....I can see how that would be annoying.  Illy would understand.  So would Rae.  I miss Raeynn.

So, unless I decide to conform and become a bitter old military drone, I am just going to keep doing my thing.  Keep my nose clean.  Play dumb.  Be a good wife.  I will never get rank nor do I think I want any.  The only thing rank gets you is a knife in the back first.  So let the witty comments and disrespectful sarcasm continue.  To be honest it's all in good fun.  These people aren't so bad.  There could be worse.  Oh yeah and If Cal calls Jaen an idiot one more time I'm going to stab him in the throat.  Maybe I will say I was mind controlled and do it anyways.

Time to go, first patrol is going out and i'm not even close to tired.  I'm looking forward to working with Jaen.  I know what he's made of.  He is also going to surprise people.